Getting Started with AWS Academy
自從您加入AWS Academy,您有可能對AWS Academy還有很多問題。比如,AWS Academy都有哪些課程?如何使用AWS Academy資源?如何為學生開課?因此,我邀請您參加本週四(2月24日)的Getting Started with AWS Academy研討會。在研討會上我會為您介紹AWS Academy以及如何使用AWS Academy的學習和教學資源。上午10:30-11:30的時間段為中文版本,註冊連結為:。
Dear AWS Academy educator,
Since you joined AWS Academy, I believe you may have many questions for AWS Academy. For example, what curriculums do AWS Academy have? How to use the resources of AWS Academy? How to create a class for your students? Therefore, I’m inviting you to join a Getting Started with AWS Academy webinar on this Thursday (Feb 24th). The English session will be at 3pm – 4pm. Please register this webinar by